
Transportation and Logistics

Transportation and Logistics

The Brazil engine needs solutions that follow its evolution

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Transportation and Logistics

After a period of fall, the logistic and transport segments back to grow aiming the retaken of as was seen at the start of years 2000. According to National Confederation of Transports, the expectation for the next years is that the investment in transport and infrastructure increases. However, economic uncertainty in the demand, economic and politicians’ issues have great impact in the segment, mainly to logistic operators, who operate for projects that demand different configurations between open areas and warehouse, needing too much flexibility and agility in the operation.


Therefore, the operators need partners that offer solutions that decide the one of its main issues as agile expansion and retraction of the storage, that sometimes demand covered spaces and sometimes patios.

How flexible infrastructure can help my plant?
  • Storage of different types of load
  • Areas of displacement
  • Containers storage


Storage in logistic port

Storage in logistic port

Port Operator

Port Operator

Logistic operator

Logistic operator







Citacao do cliente

“We want to congratulate all the team with regard to the engagement with security practices, and to the commitment with the life.”

Citacao do cliente

“Value a well-done job is good! And thus, I would like to thank and congratulate Tópico, regarding the commitment and dedication regarding the assembly of the shed at Nestlé, the team donned the shirt and represented Tópico in a brilliant way, always seeking excellence in its activities, promoting safe behavior, and delighting the client.”

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