
Sugar and Alcohol

Sugar and Alcohol

Reducing cost and increasing the efficiency. Which its next challenge?

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Sugar and Alcohol

The agribusiness certainly is one of the engines of the national economy, and the sugar-energy industry has a great part in this representation, after all, beyond Brazil being the greater sugarcane producer of the world, also it is leader in exportation of sugar and ethanol. A segment with as much expression, also have high complexity, after all, to deal with the harvest oscillation, the price, and other interferences, beyond being challenging, it requires a management based on flexibility, planning and opportunity.


These peculiarities require solutions that make a flexible and adaptable infrastructure in accordance with the client’s development demands. Therefore, it is very important to have options with low cost, that do not generate idleness, making possible to storage the product until the best moment for sale, providing an agile operation without bureaucracy.

How flexible infrastructure can help my plant?
  • Storage of sugar in bag, bags in general or in bulk.
  • Area of equipment maintenance.


Storage of sugar in bag

Storage of sugar in bag

Storage of sugar in bag

Storage of sugar in bag

Storage of sugar in bag

Storage of sugar in bag

Storage of sugar in bag

Storage of sugar in bag

Storage of sugar in bag

Storage of sugar in bag

Storage in bulk of sugar

Storage in bulk of sugar


Citacao do cliente

“They exceed my expectations. We hope they continue investing in people and processes. The team is very prepared to carry through activities, working with senior leaders and well-coordinated with the unit. The team shows high degree of engagement regarding security guard questions and quality in the work.”

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