
Construction and Engineering

Construction and Engineering

A segment that aims evolution requires agile partners

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To talk about of Engineering and Construction in Brazil is to talk about a very prosperous recent past, however, nowadays the country is trying to evolve after passing through problems caused for increase of interest taxes, change of partakers, restricted credit and economic contraction. But now, is important to look for new possibilities of economic future, that passes through for national economic retaken and technological and sustainable projects advance.


In addition, the segment needs alternatives to supply the necessity of to implement an infrastructure with the best flexible solutions, that meets to the demand of the companies, offering space for the most varied moments of the production.

How flexible infrastructure can help my plant?
  • Warehouse
  • Lodging
  • Refectory
  • Office



Building site

Cement storage

Cement storage

Storage of basic materials

Covering for construction works


Citacao do cliente

“Value a well-done job is good! And thus, I would like to thank and congratulate Tópico, regarding the commitment and dedication regarding the assembly of the shed at Nestlé, the team donned the shirt and represented Tópico in a brilliant way, always seeking excellence in its activities, promoting safe behavior, and delighting the client.”

Citacao do cliente

“We want to congratulate all the team with regard to the engagement with security practices, and to the commitment with the life.”

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