
Vehicles & Components

Vehicles & Components

Expenditures versus costs. Which is the best way?

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Vehicles & Components

Totally linked to the success of the industry and the consumption of the Brazilian people, the segment of vehicles and components gathers all the complex chain of the process of assembly of automobiles. This segment is divided, and in one hand, the production of new vehicles suffers directly with the economic problems, on the other hand, the spare market of components suffers less with the interferences.

However, in a so competitive segment, whit smaller differences, independent of external interferences, so the partakers need solutions that just adjusts to the necessity of the moment, and thinking about infrastructure, the secret is to find partners that offer agile and flexible solutions to act from the expansion of a plant until a specific space for storage.

How flexible infrastructure can help my company?
  • Supply of components and finished product
  • Storage of raw material
  • Area for industrial facilities


Storage of tires

Storage of tires for heavy vehicles

Automobile Companies

Storage of automotive components


Citacao do cliente

“Value a well-done job is good! And thus, I would like to thank and congratulate Tópico, regarding the commitment and dedication regarding the assembly of the shed at Nestlé, the team donned the shirt and represented Tópico in a brilliant way, always seeking excellence in its activities, promoting safe behavior, and delighting the client.”

Citacao do cliente

“We want to congratulate all the team with regard to the engagement with security practices, and to the commitment with the life.”

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